
I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones
-Albert Einstein (contemplating nuclear devastation)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Murray's bringing home some Bad Bacon for Bangor!


My colleague Glen Milner brought this bit of PORK to my attention.  Even as the Navy goes through the motions of the Environmental Impact Statement process, Patty Murray is bringing home the bacon as she sets aside funds for this and other projects in the Fiscal year 2012 appropriations.

Just utter the words "National Security" and everyone, Murray included, jumps.  As Glen reminded me, Patty's Pork is but another link in the chain going back to Senators Magnusen, Jackson, and beyond, ensuring that the Military-Industrial Complex stays strong even as our municipalities are dumpster diving to keep things running. 

Click here to read what the U.S. Conference of Mayors recently had to say about military spending and nuclear weapons.

Increased spending on nuclear weapons - and that is exactly what the Second Explosives Handling Wharf and new Security Force Facility are all about - only serves to destabilize the global non-proliferation regime and wastes precious financial capital that should be serving human needs.

Read all about it.  Then, let Senator Murray know what you think.



NBK to get $135 million, Murray says

By: Greg Skinner, Kitsap Navy News

Naval Base Kitsap is to receive $135 million for infrastructure and capital projects according to U.S. Senator Patty Murray, the senior member of the Military Construction Appropriations Subcommittee.

The money, announced by Murray Tuesday, comes as part of a $500 million appropriation for military bases through out Washington state and was included in the Military Construction, Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies Subcommittee Appropriations bill for fiscal year 2012.
“Ensuring that military installations across the state of Washington have the resources they need to  effectively carry out their missions is critical to the defense of not just our local communities, but the nation as a whole,” said Murray.

“This funding makes significant investments in our military facilities and technologies that will help service members adjust to changing missions and meet the great demands that come with multiple military engagements.”

Broken down, the funding primarily supports projects at Naval Base Kitsap Bangor. The financing covers $25 million for security force facility and $17 million for vehicle barriers to protect the waterfront restricted area at NBK Bangor.

Murray said $78 million has been made available for the second explosives handling wharf. The wharf, which has not received final approval for construction, was already funded to $750 million and is currently in the final phase of environmental review. The announced $78 million is part of the total approved cost and is not actually new, said Murray spokesperson Evan Miller.

Also included is $13 million for the first phase of a dry dock water treatment facility at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard.

(Source: Kitsap Navy News, http://kitsapnavynews.com/blog/nbk-to-get-135-million-murray-says/721/)