
I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones
-Albert Einstein (contemplating nuclear devastation)

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Join shared Eucharist at Bangor base on January 15th

Please join us at the Bangor Naval base on January 15th as we gather to celebrate together in Eucharistic Resistance to Dr. King’s triple evils of Racism, Materialism and Militarism.

All are welcome to this shared celebration of the Eucharist on Wednesday, January 15, 2014 at the Main Gate of Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor and Strategic Weapons Facility, Pacific in Silverdale, Kitsap County, Washington.  Bangor (with its 8 OHIO Class ballistic missile submarines carrying Trident missiles with thermonuclear warheads) and SWFPAC (the Navy's West Coast nuclear weapons storage depot) together represent the largest concentration of nuclear weapons in the US, and quite possibly anywhere in the world. 

These nuclear weapons, deployed on the Trident ballistic missile submarines based there, are capable of destroying life on Earth as we know it. This nuclear Sword of Damocles, hanging over all of humanity, is totally immoral, and an abomination before God.

We come together this January 15th to not only say NO to nuclear weapons and YES to life, but also to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.’s great spirit and works and stand in solidarity with all people who struggle against oppression.  This day we will stand in particular solidarity with the people of Jeju Island in South Korea who have engaged in nonviolent struggle for many years against plans to build a new naval base there that will serve the US Military’s Asia-Pacific Pivot.

Fr. Bichsel, of the Tacoma Catholic Worker, joins others in nonviolent resistance on Jeju
The Catholic Church in Korea has been extraordinarily faithful in its support of the struggle of the people on Jeju, and has held daily mass at the entrance gate to the construction site for the new naval base.  Priests, nuns and lay people have come together in faith-filled, nonviolent resistance, prayer and shared Eucharist as an integral part of the ongoing struggle for life over the forces of destruction and death.

Dr. King’s struggle was rooted in that same faith, and we honor his life’s work.  We come together to share our bread, share our life, and share our peacemaking. 
As we pray for peace at such a powerful symbol of empire, violence and death, we tie together the Eucharist and Resistance.  By coming together in Eucharistic Resistance we help break the bonds that hold humanity in servitude to the forces of death.  We make a clear statement - We choose Life!

Celebrating Eucharist at the naval base construction site on Jeju
We will gather on January 15th at Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action, just down the road from Bangor, before leaving for the gate.  You may arrive between 10:30 and 11:30 AM.  We will leave for the gate at 11:45. Please dress appropriately for the weather (we will be out in the open while at the Bangor gate).  We will carpool down to the area near the gate on Clear Creek Road where we are able to park on the shoulder.  It is a short walk down the hill to the gate, although it is a bit rough; wear sturdy footwear. 

After our time together at the gate, you are welcome to join us at Ground Zero for fellowship. Bring a bag lunch if you wish; we will provide refreshments.  

Ground Zero is located at 16159 Clear Creek Road, Poulsbo, WA 98370.  You can get directions at the GZ Website at gzcenter.org. This information will also be posted at the “Local Events” calendar at the Puget Sound Nuclear Weapon Free Zone.

All are welcome to participate in this shared Eucharist. Please share this information with your faith communities, and carpool over and join us on January 15th.

For more information contact either Fr. William “Bix” Bichsel, SJ at the Tacoma Catholic Worker, bix.tacoma@gmail.com o253-304-6612; or Leonard Eiger at Puget Sound Nuclear Weapon Free Zone at subversivepeacemaking@gmail.com or 425-445-2190.

Learn more about the struggle to save Jeju at savejejunow.org.