
I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones
-Albert Einstein (contemplating nuclear devastation)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Author Eric Schlosser at Seattle Public Library on the "Illusion of Safety" of Nuclear Weapons

Join the Seattle Chapter of Buddhist Peace Fellowship, Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action, and others for an important book event and a pre-event meditation at the Seattle Public Library on Tuesday, October 1st!!! 

Eric Schlosser, known for his book "Fast Food Nation", is back at it with a new book, "Command and Control: Nuclear Weapons, the Damascus Accident, and the Illusion of Safety." Of course, with nuclear weapons, safety is quite the grandest illusion. Besides the risks in handling nuclear weapons and keeping them out of the hands of those pesky terrorists, there is no safety in the continuing threat of use of nuclear weapons, and it is time for the declared nuclear powers to lead the way to global disarmament (for the sake of future generations). Please join us for these evening events.

What: WITNESS TO WHAT IS: a short public meditation, followed by a book talk by Eric Schlosser about the multiple risks of accidents, injury and devastation from nuclear weaponry.

Who: Meditation sponsored by Seattle Chapter of Buddhist Peace Fellowship, Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action and friends. Book talk sponsored by Elliott Bay Books, and co-presented with the Washington Center for the Book.

Purpose: To bear witness, and to prepare ourselves to receive the information in the talk with greater equanimity and intent for non-harming through coming generations, and hear a mighty fine book talk by a really interesting author.

Where: Meditation near the water sculpture at the 4th Ave. and Madison St. entrance to the Seattle Public Library. (In the event of rain, nearby on the north side of the Library entrance). Book event is inside the library.

When: Meditation: 6:25-6:55 pm. Book event: 7:00PM

More information about the book event at http://www.elliottbaybook.com/event/2013/10/01/day You can also call Elliott Bay Book Company at (206) 624-6600 or see www.spl.org. Contact for more information on the meditation event is Rick Harlan, ricksongrick@gmail.com, 206-271-8871

Click here to read a recent (September 16th) interview with Schlosser by Global Security Newswire.