In spite of the Summer Solstice it won't officially be summer around much of Puget Sound until July 4th when, for some unkown reason, the sun really does come out and summer can begin. There are all sorts of summer fun guides floating around, and we've got the First Annual Puget Sound Summer Anti-Nuclear Action Guide for you right here. Check it out and have some summer fun while working for a nuclear weapon free world right here in your front yard - Puget Sound.
Most of the action is going to happen in August right around the 66th anniversaries of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
INTERFAITH PEACE WALK, July 20th - August 8th
The Interfaith Peace Walk for a Nuclear Free Future - With Respect for Mother Earth begins in Eugene, Oregon, winding its way through Eastern Washington and the Hanford Nuclear Reservation on its way to Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent action and the Bangor Trident nuclear submarine base near Seattle. The walk is a transformative experience, and you can join in for any part - one, two or more days. Click here to learn more and see the full schedule. Check out some photos from last year's walk here.
PEACE FLEET, Wednesday, August 3rd
This will be the tenth year that the Peace Fleet sails into Elliott Bay to meet the U.S. Navy fleet that will be doing its yearly celebration, promoting the normalcy of modern war. The fleet is displayed for four days in downtown
You can view all the action and participate in a land demonstration at or between 66 and 62/63 down at the Seattle Waterfront. Better yet, bring your boat (of any type) and join the Peace Fleet - oooh aargh mateys. For more information contact Glen Milner (206) 365-7865 or Mary Gleysteen (360) 265-1589. On the day of the event call (206) 979-8319. Click here to see photos of last year's event.
The From Hiroshima to Hope Lantern Floating Ceremony at Seattle's Green Lake is an annual peace event honoring the victims of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and all victims of war and violence. From 6:00 to 9:00 pm you can enjoy crane folding, lantern calligraphy, speakers and musical performances, and finally float your own candle-lit lantern on Green Lake at dusk.
Check it out at the Hiroshima to Hope Facebook page. You can also download a poster here.
Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action holds its annual even commemorating the anniversaries of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki while working toward a nuclear weapon-free world. The weekend includes music, nonviolence training, vigil/leafleting at the Kitsap Mall, and culminates with an early Monday morning vigil and nonviolent direct action at one of the gates to Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor, home to the West Coast Trident ballistic missile submarine fleet, and the largest operational concentrations of nuclear weapons.
This year's theme is "If Not Now, When? Abolish Nuclear Weapons!" Click here for the full schedule of events. For a printable flyer, click here. Contact Rev. Anne Hall at 206-545-3562,, or Sue Ablao at 360-930-8697, See photos of last year's August event here.
Join in the effort to get the mayor of your city to join Mayors for Peace. The organization, which originated in Japan and with a membership of 4732 cities in 150 countries, works to raise international public awareness regarding the need to abolish nuclear weapons. The U.S. Conference of Mayors just the other day unanimously called for the abolition of nuclear weapons. With a tiny percentage of U.S. mayors currently members of Mayors for Peace, it is time to build on the good work of the Conference of Mayors and build the membership here in the Pacific Northwest.
If you are interested in meeting with your mayor, check out our Mayors for Peace support page that has everything you need to know and the resources to make it happen.
We are also very much in solidarity with the people of Japan whose suffering has been multiplied by orders of magnitude due to the unprecedented nuclear disaster at Fukushima Daiichi. We support the efforts of the Japan Council against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs (Gensuikyo) in its struggle against both nuclear weapons and nuclear power; the two are inextricably linked. Click here to sign the Appeal for a Total Ban on Nuclear Weapons. You can also download a signature form to gather signatures. They hope to get a huge outpouring of support before the August World Conference in Hiroshima.